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Here are some interesting blogs and articles I have written on different scientific topics. Feel free to take a look!


“Explodability” of Neutrinos – How Opacity Affects a Neutrino-driven Mechanism of CCSNe.

A Core Collapse Supernova (CCSN) occurs at the end of the burning phase of a massive star, with an iron core through nuclear fusion that grows to the mass of the Chandrasekhar mass limit (1.4M⊙). When the core electron degeneracy can no longer combat the gravitational force, the core undergoes a catastrophic implosion. Some famous leftovers of CCSN include the crab nebular and Cassiopeia A. But how does this implosion leads to the ultimate supernova and what determines the rate of explosions? (See full article)


Free Will and Dependence on Local Observers

The probabilistic features, rooted in quantum mechanics, are a sign of free will since the random results are simply ambiguous decisions that the universe has not yet made. In classical mechanics, when it comes to repeated measurements, observations should agree upon the results universally and independently. However, Wigner’s eponymous thought experiments call into question whether the immutable results can actually be observer-dependent. Several variations of Wigner’s experiment have been introduced to empirically verify observer-independent properties by constructing Bell-type inequalities. Fortunately, with the advancement of new technology, Proietti, in 2019, is able to perform the first real Winger experiment with six photos. By finding a violation in the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality, Proietti et al. verify observer-dependence as predicted by the free will theorem.  (See free article)

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